The Dead Reckoning

The Dead Reckoning - Many Tiki drinks have very similar flavor profiles. This one takes a left turn in the flavor department and I LIKE IT!! Three ingredients set this one apart: The homemade Vanilla Brandy, Tawny Port and Grade A Maple Syrup. Add those ingredients to the other Tiki staples and you will exclaim “Mmmmm…MMM!”

This one was created for the NW Tiki Crawl (Now Tiki Kon. I can’t wait to attend live someday!) by Martin Cate. I did not use a Collins glass as I could not pass up a more…..ahem…Thematic Opportunity. I used an 8 year Haitian Rhum ( Barbancourt) for the Voodoo “Spirit” in a Three Dots and a Dash mug.


Corn and Oil


Singapore Sling