Almost Famous
Almost Famous - this take on a Paper Plane brings a decidedly tropical bent to the classic cocktail. Invented by Laura Bishop at Seattle’s legendary Liberty Bar and curated by Shannon Mustipher in her “Tiki -Modern Tropical Cocktails” book. This 4 ingredient, well-balanced cocktail is anchored by Hampden Estate’s Rumfire Overproof Rum, smoothed out by Aperol and accented with Yellow Chartreuse. The spice and aromatics are gingerbread, banana & papaya from the high-ester overproof rum. Enjoy on an extra hot weekend! Enjoy!
In a Boston shaker of cracked ice add:
1 oz of Hampden Estate Rumfire Overproof Rum
1 oz Yellow Chartreuse
1 oz Aperol
1 oz Fresh Lime Juice
Shake and strain into a fancy coupe. Garnish with a dehydrated lime wheel. Enjoy!
#hampdenestate #aperol #Yellowchartreuse #rumfire #overproof #almostfamous #rhuminations @bestcocktails @smugglerscove #tiki @libertybar @shannonmustipher